Choose the SOLARCAT and cruise with the energy of the sun!
Due to the ban of powerboats from most of inland waters in Europe, an increasing number of electric boats are appearing on the market featuring smaller or bigger compromises. Low range and long charging time are the biggest challenges resulting from the low capacity of the batteries, and from
the high weight and resistance of the boats.
Based on addressing these challenges, we developed the SOLARCAT, an electric catamaran featuring a much lower resistance and a much higher range than other boats of a similar size. Moreover, the tests showed that the SOLARCAT can operate efficiently with solar energy only.
The development of SOLARCAT took over a year; instead of designing the batteries and the solarpanels for the boat, we rather focused on the hull design so that its resistance is minimized and its efficiency is maximized with the use of currently available batteries. In this way the range of the boat doubled, while the operational costs are 10 times lower compared to other powerboats of similar size.
Moreover thanks to the solar panels, there is no requirement for coastal electric charging infrastructure any more, therefore the SOLARCAT can be used in all environments, including national parks and protected areas.
And to whom do we recommend the Solarcat? Primarily to boat rentals, national parks, fishermen, and of course to all of those who wish to relax on water!